Strategic improvement plan
Our new Strategic improvement plan (PDF 80 KB) has been drafted based on the Strategic Analysis, student data and input from different parts of the school community. Feedback on any elements of the plan is invited, please email the school: woolgoolga-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au

Wellbeing procedure
School representation procedure
Our school representation procedure (PDF 90 KB) outlines the expected behaviour students need to maintain to be eligible to participate in extracurricular school-related activities.
Anti-bullying procedure
Woolgoolga High School rejects all forms of bullying behaviours, including cyberbullying, by maintaining a commitment to providing a safe, inclusive and respectful learning community that promotes student wellbeing.
Uniform guidelines and procedure 2025
Mobile phone and non-approved BYOD devices procedure
Mobile phone and non-approved BYOD devices procedure (PDF 144 KB)
Mobile phones are now banned in all NSW public schools.
Updates to the Department of Education’s Student Use of Mobile Phones in Schools https://education.nsw.gov.au/policy-library/policies/pd-2023-0480 states:
1.1 Students are not allowed to use mobile phones at school, including during recess and lunch.
1.2 Principals will manage individual requests from parents and/or carers, and students, for any exemptions to the policy.
1.3 Principals may allow students to use mobile phones in specific circumstances, such as for an educational purpose, to achieve student health and wellbeing outcomes, or as part of reasonable adjustment to enable students with specific needs to participate in education on the same basis as other students.
Mobile phones: Woolgoolga High School has adopted a system which utilises a pouch that is locked with a magnetic device to ensure mobile phones are not used on school grounds during the day.
Non-approved BYOD devices: All electronic devices that are not BYOD approved laptops are also banned from school. For more information on approved BYOD devices please refer to the Network Use Procedure & Network User Contract Including BYOD. This non-approved BYOD ban includes: wired and wireless earphones/headphones and smartwatches. When sighted these devices will be treated in the same manner as other banned electronic devices.
When a student chooses to disobey the behaviour expectation and are witnessed by a teacher using a mobile digital device during school hours, the following consequences will be enacted: The teacher must ask for the phone to be surrendered immediately. It IS NOT an option for the student to keep the phone in their possession. The teacher will generate a phone incident in Sentral.
• On the first occasion: A negative phone incident Sentral entry will be recorded. The phone will be passed onto the Front Office ASAP. A text message will be sent home to inform parents.
• On the second occasion within the same term as the first occasion: A negative phone incident Sentral entry will be recorded. The phone will be passed onto the Front Office ASAP. The student will be issued with a formal caution to suspend which will be in place for 50 days. A phone call home will accompany this.
• On the third occasion if within the 50 school days of the formal caution: A negative phone incident Sentral entry will be recorded. The phone will be passed onto the Front Office ASAP. The student will be issued with a suspension.
Please note that bullying and harassment issues involving phones or other digital devices are addressed in our Anti-bullying Procedures and the Network Use Procedure & Network User Contract Including BYOD.
Network use procedure and network user contract, including BYOD
WHS Network use procedure and network user contract including BYOD (PDF 269 KB)